Read on for recommendations of resources provided at UT by Harshita from the Society of Women Engineers (SWE).

Q: What are some useful resources on campus for students (engineering and non-engineering)?
A: Hi! This is a great question that everyone at UT should know the answer to! I’ll break it down into three categories: academic, health, and day-to-day. I’ve used nearly every resource on here and have found them to be very useful!
Drop-in tutoring on the first floor of the EER* for lower division math, chemistry, and physics classes and lower division engineering mechanics and computational engineering classes! (especially helpful for my fellow ASE/COE majors!)
* will be online for this semester - click on the link for zoom links!
23,000 square feet of makerspaces for designing and building everything from solar cars and satellites to robots and biomedical sensors
Engineering Career Assistance Center (ECAC)
Assistance with career counseling and finding internships/externships/co-ops through their online database
Departmental advisors and Engineering Student Services (ESS) advisors are here to help you register for classes, plan your classes for future semesters, and guide you to other engineering resources
Sanger Learning Center (SLC)
Offers free one-on-one tutoring on an appointment and drop-in basis for lower division classes in math, physics, and chemistry
University Writing Center (UWC)
Help with writing at any stage of the writing process
Public Speaking Center (PSC)
Consultations on public speaking presentations
University Health Services (UHS)
Offers medical care, prescriptions, immunizations, health advice, etc.
Proactive community testing for COVID-19 at UT!
Pick up your prescriptions here!
Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC)
Counseling services available to all UT students! Offers help with crisis intervention, self care, medication/counseling, and finding off campus mental health care!
CARE Counselor (EER)
Jeni Wade helps students struggling academically due to non-academic reasons with counseling and mental health resources! She also helps students find off campus care and treatment for those with mental illness!
Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD)
Provides academic and non-academic accommodations for students
Offers intramural sports, fitness/wellness, outdoor recreation, sport clubs, instructional, and informal recreation
Capital Metro Public Transportation
Free transportation for UT students - need I say more?!
Don’t walk alone at night - request two SURE Walkers to accompany you! Available from 8 pm to 2 am 7 days a week!
Free Lyft from campus to an off campus location at night! Available from midnight to 4 am 7 days a week!
Go here for lab manuals and textbooks! Also has cute UT apparel :)
Learn about and join student organizations on campus!
So that’s the end of my list of useful resources on campus for UT students. I hope you use these resources and find them as helpful as I have! Stay safe and hook ‘em! :)
Instagram: @utswe
Facebook: @utaustinswe
YouTube: SWE UT Austin
Website: www.utswe.org

UT SWE creates an inclusive and diverse community and provides resources and opportunities for members to succeed in their collegiate and professional careers. We strive to create an enjoyable and memorable experience which encourages members to give back to their community and inspire future generations of engineers.

This blog post was written for SWE by Harshita Mattapalli, a sophomore studying aerospace engineering and one of SWE’s publicity chairs!